Thursday, May 17, 2007


Self realization is a beautiful thing.

Often times, early on we get bombarded with expectations from outside sources. Other peoples insecurities immediately disrupt our flow and force themselves as priorities in our existence, to the point where we take these upon ourselves as our own, and fail to analyze what is truly important in our lives. We dismiss personal time with our creator, and our brain is consumed with so many insignificant stresses that even if we did take those five minutes to converse with Him we would be too preoccupied to truly LISTEN.

We spend so much time creating a front, or wearing a costume to please everyone else, that we forget to please ourselves first. Stressing to the point of both physical and mental breakdown.

Taking personal time to converse with the Most High and internally analyze our worth, is KEY in being able to truly love. Not until you are one million percent comfortable in your own skin, not until you put yourself FIRST after God and BEFORE everyone else, will you be able to love someone fully without cheating the recipient of the complete YOU.

And once the realization has been made, you must be cautious of negative forces preying on your vulnerability. You have to weed out the negative people, places, and situations from your life that caused you to question yourself in the past.

Surround yourself with those who God has specifically placed in your life for you to lean on when you are weak on your own. The people who truly love you beyond your physical appearance or what you can do for them, but instead for what you offer internally as an individual.

Focus on your mission and the positivity in your life, and like-minds will be attracted to you naturally. The RIGHT people will make their way into your life. The light and confidence you radiate will be undeniable.

Hold on to those who have been there to lift you, the ones who give before they ask, the ones who will enhance your existence before they ever taint it. The people who will allow you to operate at the optimum level of YOU, and would never betray you. And likewise embrace those new comers who are willing to do the same…

Make it a priority to converse with Him, and release all your frustrations doubts, and stresses out into the universe for Him to take care of...because he WILL

had to repost it....intended for One, helpful to many..I hope


1 comment:

h.e.r.fection said...

love this... i'll be reading it again